No matter what the time of year, it’s always a smart idea to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. With winter comes snow and ice, and with summer comes the possibility of needing hail storm repair Lakewood CO. Keep reading to put together your emergency vehicle kit.
Extras for Your Automobile
A flat tire could be no big deal in the heart of a busy city, or it could be a complete disaster in the middle of nowhere with zero cell phone reception. Either way, you should always have a spare tire, a jack and a wheel wrench. Jumper cables may also come in handy for you or a fellow stranded passerby. Most importantly, you should know how to use all of these things.
Stay Warm
Even in the summer months, temperatures can drop below freezing depending where on you are. Keep a warm blanket in your vehicle, as well as a hat, gloves and wool socks. Don’t forget that food is also a key part of staying warm and alert. Pack plenty of water and food that won’t go bad for a long time, such as energy bars or canned fruit (don’t forget the can opener)! If you often travel with a pet, bring an extra baggie filled with kibble as well.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit is important whenever you travel. Create your own with band aids, bandages, ointment, scissors, gloves, aspirin and a cold compress to start, or purchase a pre-made kit. You’ll need a way to contact the paramedics in the event of a true emergency, so always keep a car charger handy and consider traveling with flares should you need to draw attention to your location.
There are many other things you can include in your kit, but this list will help you get started. Don’t forget to always let somewhere know where you are, especially when traveling far from home.